A Main Goal of IMPACT BILLIARDS is to build the sport for Albertans living in smaller centers by creating more opportunities to play. Likewise, filling local pubs and pool rooms with league players in the middle of a week supports the local business economy, another Main Goal of this sporting organization. We are ALWAYS looking for Win-Win-Win circumstances for players, businesses and the sport!
There are many barriers to getting a league going. It takes enough players to start a league from scratch and that isn't always easy for players living in Alberta's smaller centers. IMPACT Billiards is an umbrella league designed to allow for Albertan urban centers to start up league with as few as 4 teams. They are able to enjoy playing locally as a part of a reliable, organized league with all the bells and whistles; apps for scoring and for tracking ones growth. They are able to accumulate weeks to compete in larger tournaments such as BCAPL Worlds, Westerns or the whole host of options with CCS.
In addition, all current members of IMPACT BILLIARDS are invited to come to Edmonton for the Monthly Team and Singles Tournments. This gives us GREAT practice competing as teams prior to going to bigger competitions. It lets teams compete against people outside their regular division and grow through that experience for very reasonably priced tournaments with Cash Added from Impact Sponsors.
Furthermore, historically, it has been hard to form traveling teams to the bigger regional and international tournament opportunities. Particularily women as there are fewer of them playing... for the time being. With IMPACT, any member with qualifying weeks can play with any other member! That means, for example, there could be a team with a player from Lloydminster, Red Deer, Fort McMurray and Edmonton all on the same team!! As long as they all have qualifying weeks in a singular division, they can form a team and GO compete!!