Lloydminster 2025 Winter/Spring Session

Each player will play 6 games per night! 7:15PM Start


Part of our Mission as Impact Billiards Alberta is to CREATE opportunities for players to grow their game and have more chances to compete as individuals and teams in bigger events.  

This is particularly important in smaller communities where we often find - A LOT OF TALENT! Finding others who want to travel to play is EASY with Impact! You can join up with any of our over 400 Members province-wide to form teams and travel as close as Edmonton and as far away as the World Championships in Las Vegas!

New to Fargo Rating?

FargoRate is based on a collection of all the matches you play and the record of all the people you have played against. It is an internationally recognized method of rating your ability as a player. It is often referred to in tournaments and in league play. 

If you don't have a FargoRate - no PROBLEM. We will do a quick interview with you and start your Fargo profile. As you collect games played in league and tournaments, your rating will become more and more accurate. 

Our league uses it to form teams and also to handicap matches so that ANY team that PLAYS well CONSISTENTLY has a chance of placing well in the division they are in. 

When forming teams in Lloydminster, it is encouraged to have a variety of skill levels on your team. This allows for mentorship, community building and also mitigates potentially large handicaps if you have a "Stacked" team.

Email: Lloyd@impactbilliards.com for more info!