Statistics & Schedule

PLEASE NOTE: In some divisions the Final Week does NOT appear in this schedule. It is known as "THE LAST CRACK". It is based on Standings and cannot be put into the schedule until the initial weeks of play have been completed. It is 1st place vs. 2nd place, 3rd vs. 4th, 5th vs 6th etc.


For our Top Player Awards, we use a special calculation that is NOT programmable in LMS. Therefore, it isn't possible to see on the Stats page.  We believe that the best measure of a "Top Player" is to find the DIFFERENTIAL... divide the points for/points against and multiply by Win %.  

By doing this, rather than straight points, someone isn't penalized for missing a week of play. ALSO, players that are winning their games by a larger margin will rank higher thereby rewarding ERO's in this way.  In order to qualify for this Award, players must have played 75% of the weeks of play AND their team must be in good standing. 

We will calculate and post screenshots of the TOP 10 players in each division on a biweekly basis on this page.  Good Luck!